Foto Crédito: UAR

Argentina to Build National High Performance Rugby Center

Argentina is to build a national High Performance Rugby Center. The Centro Nacional de Rugby (CNR)  is a project that has been on the table in recent decades. Now it is official and will be opened in late 2026.

The main purpose of the CNR is to centralize all the activities of the UAR, to have a structure to optimize the human resources and organizational capacity of our sport, with the focus on the excellence of the players and the game. The commitment is to make available a cutting-edge space for all sectors of the Union to interact.

The CNR has been made possible following the Unión Argentina de Rugby (UAR) acquiring sufficient land for the project. It will be on 10 hectares situation on Avenida Libertador San Martín in Los Cardales. It will include an array of full-sized rugby fields in addition to buildings.

The complex will include a building with two floors of 10.972 m2 in size. There will be another building which will be semi-covered 200 m2) in addition to a deposit (600 m2). The most important will be the five rugby fields which will be natural grass and one synthetic grass field.

In addition, the CNR will have the sporting offices of the UAR, medical offices, special spaces for kinesiology, psychology and the nutrition of athletes; rooms for training courses, an auditorium, a dining room, rooms to accommodate about 60 athletes, rest and recreation rooms, video rooms and a studio for productions, a highly complex gym, locker rooms for teams and for the disabled. Everything will be oriented to work on excellence in the game and in the training of athletes.

Los Pumas, Las Yaguaretés, Los Pumas 7’s, Los Pumitas, Argentina XV and the Academies will all use the CNR for training and preparations.

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