Foto Crédito: El Telegrafo

Six Countries Represented on Sudamérica Women’s Referee Panel

Six countries are represented on the first ever South American Women’s Referee Panel. Sudamérica Rugby made the announcement of a panel of twelve officials. They are from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay.

Brazil is the country with the most referees appointed with four. They are Cristina Futuro, Gabriela Graf, Amanda Macedonio, and Natasha Olsen. Argentina is contributing three referees followed by Chile with two. Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay each have one official on the panel.

The panel will be managed by former leading Uruguayan referee, Joaquín Montes who is now the Development Manager for Sudamérica Rugby; and Alhambra Nievas, the World Rugby Referee Talent Development Manager.

Paola Bolvaran (Chile)
Camila Cabrera (Uruguay)
Brenda Camacho (Argentina)
Nadia Ferenz (Argentina)
Cristina Futuro (Brazil)
Laura García (Colombia)
Gabriela Graf (Brazil)
Pierina Laguna (Chile)
Nerea Livoni (Argentina)
Amanda Macedonio (Brazil)
Natasha Olsen (Brazil)
Dalia Pereira (Paraguay)

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