A ground breaking decision has been made in Chile. At the national annual meeting at the CARR La Reina saw the approval of the annual plan for 2018 which approved the alteration of statutes to now require a player representative to be involved in the federation’s decision making.
In the past both a Chilean player and Head Coach have told Americas Rugby News of their dissatisfaction with the national union. Their wishes have now been heard with changes on the way for the benefit of Chilean rugby.
With it the needs of the players and national team are to be heard at all times with a player to always be present when decisions are made.
The first player to have the responsibility is Felipe Brangier. The veteran player of Los Cóndores and Los Cóndores 7’s is likely to be a highly popular nomination throughout the Chilean rugby community.
Brangier comes from the Prince of Wales Country Club. He received the decision by saying:
“I am very happy to be able to have a place on the Federation’s directory as it is to strengthen communication between Chile Rugby and the players. It is an important milestone. It was important that the new player figure was accepted formally by the assembly, allowing for an information channel to make it possible for players to share their real concerns and their needs on the field.”