Pichot, Super Rugby and future for North and South America

The President of the Americas Rugby Championship, Agustín Pichot has asked the question “Why can’t Uruguay Play Super Rugby?” This was one of a number of revelations to be outlined – others include possible Super Rugby futures for Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and the USA and a second division for the Americas Rugby Championship.

In an interview with leading Uruguayan Rugby journalist, Ignacio Chans the former captain of Los Pumas outlined his vision for the future. It crucially includes a changed landscape in the established Americas markets at not only test level but also professional.

Currently, excluding Rugby Sevens, only Argentina has professionalism. Los Jaguares are to debut in Super Rugby this month and future endeavors have already been speculated from the authorities. More teams are to follow with Argentina potentially getting a second side and other Americas Rugby Championship neighbors possibly to be added to the mix.

In the case of Argentina Pichot pointed out that with money now significantly involved in the sport in Argentina the landscape has changed significantly. “In 2008 there was nothing. Today there are almost 60 training who receive incomes,” said the former scrum half.

“If the URU receives income the players will have more resources, and the same opportunities as the countries they face. This was my great discussion with World Rugby: they can give you training conditions, subsidize gyms, coaches, but if you have no competition, it is no good. Players end up leaving.”

“I go even further: if you you have the platform of Super Rugby, if it continues to expand, if it adds more franchises, why not think that Uruguay and Chile are part of that franchise? Why can’t Uruguay be part of the Super Rugby? The door is open to go to there.”

In regards to the USA and the new PRO Rugby Pichot is in two minds about the competition. Although he welcomes having professional rugby in the country he believes it is important to have control of ones own league which will not be the case in regards to USA Rugby and Pro Rugby.

Super Rugby, though, could be arriving in the USA in the not too distant future . “It is the current plan of SANZAAR. Having spoken with Brazil, Uruguay and the USA we proposed for the immediate future to evaluate more franchises in South and North America. It has been planted and it is on track, there is a group working to evaluate this”.

Also addressed was the question surrounding Paraguay and others not involved in the Americas Rugby Championship. With Paraguay ranked above Brazil in but not participating a solution is sought to prevent the Americas from replicating the European flaw which sees no opportunity for Georgia to play in the Six Nations.

Pichot stated “I would like to see more countries, Paraguay, Mexico, Colombia, include a women’s competition, and change the dates so that all matches are full tests”.

About Americas Rugby News

Formally created in June 2015, this website's goal is to increase media exposure of the Tier 2 rugby nations, and create a hub with a focus on the stories of rugby in the Americas - North, Central and South.

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