Program to Introduce Rugby into Schools Begins in Belize

A Program to introduce rugby into schools in Belize began on Monday. Organized by the head of Rugby Belize Tony Gillings and Nottingham Trent University intern, Drew Morrissey the initiative seeks to grow the sport in the Central American nation.

By working with PC Wilfredo Petillo from the Police Community Unit, Billings was able to take rugby to St Martin de Pores School in one of the most deprived areas of the nation’s capital, Belize City.

Gillings told Americas Rugby News that “at first the kids were reluctant to participate fully in learning the skills of this entirely new sport, so, after taking a completely unorthodox approach, we decided to get the tags out and have a game of Tag Rugby instead. Boom! All the kids got into it and didn’t want it to end.”

The session on Monday is the first of what is a twice-a-week visit by Rugby Belize. It is also the beginning of a 6-month program to introduce rugby into schools in Belize City. Billings contends that “it is going to be exciting, and fun, judging by the reaction of kids to this first session.”

While being the first activity of its kind in the country in 2015 Gillings was active in collaborating with the local police to introduce the sport.

Belize is not a member of World Rugby and is yet to become attached to the regional affiliation of Americas Rugby North (formerly NACRA). Rugby Belize aims to, overtime, join Americas Rugby North rather than Sudamérica Rugby.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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