Haiti Enters the World of International Rugby

The birth of rugby in Haiti was September of 2014 when around 20 coaches took part over several days of courses and practices to prepare them to play and coach Rugby.  It followed a workshop from the previous year but was a true introduction as, for the most part, the notion of tackling and passing an oval ball were entirely knew.

The initiatives were successful in laying the foundations for a National Rugby Federation. The Federación Haitienne Rugby has since come into being , providing the means for future inclusion in international rugby. All has been made possible by the International Olympic Committee and with rugby not being a part of the Olympic Games there is added backing for rugby to grow in the Caribbean country.

Combined with social projects projects rugby in Haiti has been made possible. Argentine organization Cascos Azueles created a rugby school in the country. A civil-military effort from the Argentine Joint Battalion, Cascos Azueles, opened a rugby school in Gonaives to promote integration between the Cascos Azueles and the Haitian people in an effort to transmit rugby values and work together to promote civil society.

Carl Alexandre commented that “more than fifty children have learned the values of working as a team in addition to discipline and respect, bringing the spirit of Los Pumas, the national team of the country to Haiti. With this, they have helped generate a positive image of the mission that goes far beyond their civil-military activities. I would like to congratulate them for this innovative initiative for Haitian children.”

The Argentine Battalion organized a rugby game against the Chilean contingent that is situated in Northern Haiti earlier this year. This was the first ever international rugby match plated in the former French colony. Lieutenant Colonel Ramón Venturini of the Argentine Battalion refereed the match played at the Gonaives Racing Club.

Present at the ground were members of the rugby school as well as the general public who witnessed an important day in the history of global rugby. Lieutenant Colonel Venturini considered it to be ”one of the happiest days of the mission.”. He believes rugby to be ”very important for the application of teamwork, solidarity”.

The Chief of the Chilean Battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Muñez was also proud of the event. He commented that ”I am happy to share the sporting experience. Rugby is the military sport par excellence and it should always be present, as it shares a great similarity with the spirit of the military”.

Then in October of this year when attention was firmly placed on England and Wales’ hosting of the Rugby World Cup a match was organized. Played for the Quisqueya Cup in Elías Pinã, a Dominican Republic province on the border with Haiti, seeing Haiti playing against the Dominican Republic for the first time ever.

Two matches between the neighboring countries were played with the Dominican Republic winning the first 8-0 and the teams competing to a 3-3 draw in the second.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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