Local Rugby and Police Unite to Teach Kids in Belize

Fort George Memorial Park in Belize City was the setting for a tag rugby session last weekend. Involved were 40 children who were all trying rugby for the first time. The session involved the participation of Rugby Belize and local law enforcement officials.

Authorities are aware of the potential life-changing effect that rugby can have and Rugby Belize President / Founder Tony Gillings told Americas Rugby news that ”we are working closely with the Community Police Unit in this regard. We are, right now, working on setting up regular sessions across the city, bringing the sport here for the very first time.”

Rugby Belize’s outreach project is designed to engage with youth from disadvantaged communities in Belize City and further afield throughout the country. Gillings explains that ”by practicing it is hoped that they will be encouraged to use their energies in sports rather than potential involvement in gangs where they invariably end up being arrested for petty crime which is common in Belize City.”

Belize borders Mexico to the north and Guatemala to the west and south. The neighbors are members of differing World Rugby Regional Associations as Mexico is involved in NACRA while Guatemala plays in Sudamérica Rugby competition. The country itself is unique in being the only Central American country that speaks English, the predominant language used by NACRA members and Rugby Belize sees itself as having a NACRA future.

The efforts from volunteers such as Gillings are opening doors for rugby to have increased international competition. Indeed the initiative is laying the base for Belize to, overtime, join NACRA. Americas Rugby News readers can directly help the sport grow by donating much needed kits and equipment to Rugby Belize. This can be done by contacting Rugby Belize on twitterfacebook, by accessing the website or by contacting Tony Billings directly via email – tonygillings@hotmail.com.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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