Brazilian Rugby and Local Government launch Social Project in largest South American City

The Confederação Brasileira de Rugby (Brazilian Rugby Confederation- CBRu), in combination with the High Performance Sporting Nucelus (NAR) and São Paulo City Hall’s Secretary of Sports, Leasure and Recreation (SEME) are to this Wednesday launch, July 1 a social rugby project focused on members of the youth aged above 15. The objective is to obtain 80 participants who will train until the end of the year and for this to increase by 50% in 2016, the Olympic year.

The activities are to take place every Monday and Wednesday at NAR headquarters in Santo Amaro, São Paulo. Former coach of the Brazilian under 19 team, Guilherme Marques and former Brazilian test player and current the senior men’s personal trainer José Moraes  are to supervise the program.

CBRu superintendent João Nogueira ”we intend to further spread the model and to offer the opportunity for all members of Santo Amaro’s youth to learn rugby. We want to reach 80 players this year and 12o next year”.

NAR Director Irineu Loturco stated that “the principal mission  of the NAR is to support and to ferment the development of Brazilian sport. The project developed together with the CBRu, which supports the creation of new athletes and the training of High Performance teams has become a model for national competitive sport”.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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