Sánchez, Lavanini reinforce Pumas Squad

Regular Pumas Nicolás Sánchez and Tomás Lavanini have been added to the squad ahead of Friday’s non-capped international agaist the French Barbarians. The teams are to play the second of two matches with kick-off scheduled for 6:30pm Argentine time. La Plata RC will host the match.

Both Sánchez and Lavanini are joining the squad for the first time this season. Both were based in France but are to be undercontract with the UAR anfd playing Super Rugby next season. Sánchez’s contract has been made official already while that of Lavanini is expected to be confirmed this month.

The duo’s retun offers a significant boost as both were starters thorughout the duration of 2014 when available. Daniel Hourcade’s squad has, nonetheless,  been hit with injuries. As a result Gabriel Ascárate, Matías Orlando and Ramiro Moyano drop out of the squad for La Plata. Also missing is Santiago Cordero who joins the Sevens team preparing for the Pan American Games in Toronto.

The missing wingers means that Argentina is depleted outside. In order to adjust Joaquín Tuculet will likely be retained out of position on one wing with either Manuel Montero returning from injury to play on the other or Matías Moroni moving from centre.

After Saturday’s loss in Rosario the Argentine squad had the day off on Sunday to recover. Training is to resume today with the squad remaining in Rosario until Wednesday  when the players will do so in La Plata.


Lisandro Ahualli de Chazal (Universitario, Tucumán), Matías Alemanno (UAR), Rodrigo Báez (UAR), Matías Cortese (unattached), Matías Díaz (UAR), Juan Cruz Guillemaín (Stade Français, France), Santiago Iglesias Valdez (UAR), Facundo Isa (UAR), Tomás Lavanini (Racing 92, France), Tomás Lezana (UAR), Benjamín Macome (Bayonne, France), Pablo Matera (UAR), Julián Montoya (UAR), Lucas Noguera Paz (UAR), Javier Ortega Desio (UAR) Guido Petti Pagadizabal (UAR, Bruno Postiglioni (Zebre, Italy), Francisco Nahuel Tetaz Chaparro (UAR)

Tomás Cubelli (UAR), Jerónimo De la Fuente (UAR), Felipe Ezcurra (Hindú Club, URBA), Santiago González Iglesias (UAR), Martín Landajo (UAR), Román Miralles (Duendes, Rosario), Manuel Montero (UAR), Matías Moroni (UAR), Nicolás Sánchez (UAR), Juan Pablo Socino (Newcastle Falcons, England), Joaquín Tuculet (UAR)

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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