Argentina XV change eleven to face Spain

The Argentina XV coached by Felipe Contepomi and Ricardo Le Fort have named a much changed side to face Spain in the second round of the World Rugby Nations Cup in Romania. A total of eleven changes from the team that defeated Namibia have been named with only Lucas Maguire, Anibal Pannceyra Garrido, Franco Cuaranta and Tomás Carrió returning.

Lucas Alcácer will captain the side featuring the recently UAR contracted Santiago García Botta on one side of the front-row and the Castres Olympique contracted Lucas Martínez on the other. The side is otherwise made up of fringe selection players, some being involved outside of Argentina for the first time.

The match will be played in Bucharest on Wednesday with kick-off scheduled for 11am Argentine time.

1 Santiago García Botta, 2 Tomás Baravalle, 3 Lucas Martínez, 4 Manuel Plaza, 5 Gerónimo Albertario, 6 Lucas Maguire, 7 Miguel Urtubey, 8 Aníbal Panceyra Garrido, 9 Lucas Alcácer, 10 Cristian Nacassian, 11 Bautista Álvarez, 12 Brian Ormson, 13 Juan Ignacio Brex, 14 Franco Cuaranta, 15 Tomás Carrió.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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