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South America looking towards professionalism

Argentine manager and coach Patricio Sandionigi recently spoke with Venezuelan site Traslajugada about new rugby projects in the region. In doing so he outlined the work being done to establish regional professionalism under the banner of Centro y Sudamérica Rugby Ltd (CySAR Ltd). Sandionigi argues that CySAR Ltd will develop a professional structure to improve the level of competition, guarantee the growth of the game and bring economic benefits to all participants. Included are both Men’s and Women’s rugby in addition to Rugby Sevens.

Included on CySAR’s board are players, coaches, managers and referees. Together they guarantee the transparency of their operation and their commitment to reaching their objectives. In order to do so CySAR is in contact with all related entities. World Rugby has offered it’s support and CySAR is now looking to CONSUR.

In total more than twenty countries in the region interested and CySAR Ltd is working on presenting ideas to EXCO CONSUR at the upcoming regional meeting in Santa Fé, Argentina in June. CySAR Ltd is to put forward a possible strategic path and hopes for it to be debated and approved.

About Paul Tait

CO-FOUNDER / EDITOR / SOUTH AMERICA ... has been covering the sport since 2007. Author on web and in print. Published original works in English, Portuguese and Spanish. Ele fala português / Él habla español.

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